
34 results for autoimmune

  • Formulas For AutoImmune

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  • Life Preserver

    Why AutoImmune Sufferers Are Turning To TCM

    in AutoImmune, Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    Autoimmune disorders are on the rise at an alarming rate with roughly 50 million Americans suffering from these disorders. Since scientists haven’t figured out what actually causes most of them, prevention of them isn’t possible and currently available treatment options can lead sufferers wishing for better solutions. 

  • Divergent Meridians in TCM

    Divergent Meridians in TCM: Functions and Clinical Applications

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Divergent meridians, or “Jing Bie” (经别), represent an advanced and somewhat esoteric aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian theory. These pathways diverge from the primary organ meridians, and are believed to play a crucial role in connecting the internal organs with the exterior body, thus maintaining overall health and addressing complex pathologies. Understanding divergent meridians is essential for advanced TCM practitioners seeking to treat chronic and recalcitrant conditions.

  • Eastern Medicine For Gut Health

    The Foundation of Gut Health: Eastern Medicine’s Comprehensive Herbal Formula Recommendations

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Gut health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, and both Western and Eastern Medicine recognizes its profound impact on the entire body. The gut, often referred to as the “second brain” or “Dan Tian” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is believed to be the core of optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. In this blog, we will explore the concept of gut health through the lens of Eastern Medicine, delving into the impact of gut health on various imbalances that can present as gut issues. We will provide detailed herbal formula recommendations that an Eastern Medicine practitioner may suggest for each specific gut-related concern.

  • Why Acupuncture Is On The Rise

    Why Acupuncture Is On The Rise

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    In Eastern medicine, a certain part of the mouth can speak volumes about a patient’s health. The tongue can be used as an accurate diagnostic tool to tell you about your health and identify treatments that will best suit your body’s needs.

  • Atractylodes

    The Effects of Adaptogens and Stimulants on the Body

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Enter, Adaptogens.. They’re primarily used as immediate stress relief. Before you go popping a handful of anything with ‘adaptogen’ written on the bottle, it’s important to know what you are taking. Let’s look at adaptogens and how they affect the body.

  • Home-2021-Quiz

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  • Find Your Formula

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  • Custom Formula

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  • Custom Formula

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