
Body Aches? What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

Body Aches? What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You
January 2, 2021 welleum


What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

Body Aches in Eastern Medicine

When you were a kid, you could fall out of a tree, bounce back up, and go right back to playing without batting an eyelash. But now, all you have to do is sleep in a weird position and you might not be able to look over your shoulder for a few days because of the pain and soreness. Isn’t getting older great?!

Growing older means lots of things, and one of those (unfortunate) things is bodily aches and pains. And you might not always know why you’re sore or hurting in a particular spot– sometimes, aches just pop up. 

But with the body, everything has a reason. Aches and tenderness are your body’s way of telling you that something is up. So when you notice you’re in some pain, make sure to listen, because these are 6 things your body aches are telling you.

You’re Getting Sick

Signs You're Getting Sick In Eastern MedicineIf you’re feeling achy and tired, your body might be giving you a warning that you’re about to get sick. The flu, cold, and other infections can cause soreness and tenderness because your body uses up a lot of energy trying to fight them off. Your immune system makes extra white blood cells which can fight the germs, but they can also cause inflammation that makes muscles sore and stiff.

If you notice that you’re feeling tired, have a sore throat, or a sniffly nose along with your body aches, it’s a sure sign you’re coming down with something. Make sure to drink plenty of water, load up on chicken noodle soup, and get some rest.

Your Qi is Stagnant

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aches and pains usually means there’s something wrong with your Qi. Qi is the life force that flows through us all, keeping our yin and yang energies balanced. But when this flow is interrupted, Qi can stagnate and slow down, which is when we start to see the negative effects on our bodies and minds. 

In TCM, aches and pains are usually the result of an external wind-cold invading your body. When you get too cold, it can freeze up the channels that your Qi flows through, kind of how water pipes freeze in the winter. When your Qi pathways are blocked around your joints, it can cause them to swell up and be painful. Ouch! If you think blocked Qi is causing your aches and tenderness, focus on staying out of the cold and damp as much as possible to clear things up.

You’re Stressed

Stress In Eastern MedicineStress doesn’t just affect your mind–it affects your body, too! When you’re super stressed out for a long period of time, your muscles can get tense and sore and your immune system takes a beating. That means you’re more likely to come down with a cold or sickness that can also cause body aches. 

In TCM, too much stress blocks up the liver, where Qi is harmonized. That means too much stress can affect the flow of Qi throughout your body, too. Stress has a domino effect on your body, setting off a whole chain of painful reactions. Try managing stress with acupuncture, meditation, or exercise if you think it’s the root cause of your body pain. For other tips on how to naturally destress, check out this blog.

You’re Dehydrated

Are you one of the ¾ of Americans who don’t drink enough water every day? Well, being dehydrated can cause a bunch of issues, including premature aging, a weak immune system, and–yep, you guessed it–body aches.

Our bodies are 60% water, so if we don’t drink enough every day, our bodies can’t perform all the functions they’re supposed to. So if you notice body aches along with a headache or dark urine, make sure to up your H20 intake. Try carrying around a water bottle with you, drinking some herbal tea, or using an app to keep you on track. This does not apply if you suffer from Kidney disease.

You’re Not Getting Enough Rest

New Year's Resolutions In Eastern Medicine - SleepNo matter how much caffeine you drink, our bodies need rest. When we don’t get enough sleep, we get easily annoyed, gain weight, get sick, and are more likely to have chronic pain. We need sleep just as much as we need water, food, and air because when we don’t get enough shut-eye, we can’t repair tissues and cells that break down during the course of our daily lives. That translates into sore muscles and inflamed joints that don’t heal as quickly as they should. 

So if you’re getting less than 6-8 hours of sleep and notice you’re not feeling your best, try to get some more time in between the sheets. Your brain and body will thank you.If you’re looking for advice on how you can sleep better with natural remedies, check out this blog!

Your Vata Is Aggravated

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health practice, pain is a message from Nature. It’s a reminder to think about what’s causing our pain and how we can change our habits and patterns to avoid more pain in the future. 

In Ayurvedic practice, all pain is related to your Vata dosha which is made up of the elements of space and air. Random aches and tenderness are usually caused by toxin build up, known as ama, which messes with your Vata. Vata is associated with being cool, rough, and dry. So if you’ve got too much Vata that is causing pain, try taking a warm bath or using a hot water bottle to balance things out and sooth your achy body.

Pain Is A Communicator

Western medicine, TCM, and Ayurveda all agree on one thing–pain is your body’s way of communicating with you.

So the next time you feel aches, pains, tenderness, or soreness without any obvious cause, take a second to step back and think about what your body needs. Are you getting enough rest, drinking enough water, and paying enough attention to your inner harmony? Remember, when you take care of your body, your body takes care of you. So the next time you’re feeling achy, take stock with your habits and health to see what your body is trying to tell you.

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