
Put The Kibosh on Multitasking STAT

Put The Kibosh on Multitasking STAT
May 11, 2022 Jackie Gomez


Why And How To Do So

Why Multitasking Is Bad From You From an Eastern Medicine Perspective

You may think reading your emails while listening to a podcast and cooking breakfast is the ultimate way to begin a productive day but studies show multitasking can actually slow you down and make you feel more stressed. 

These days many people may not even realize that all day, every day they are multitasking. Talking on the phone while driving or listening to a podcast while hiking are still multitasking. From an eastern medicine perspective, multitasking is thought to injure the mind and body. If you’re suffering from fatigue, burnout, and mental exhaustion, multitasking may be the reason and eastern medicine can help. 

You’re not wired to multitask 

Your brain isn’t wired to multitask. Instead of completing two or more tasks simultaneously, what’s actually happening is that your brain is completing individual tasks in rapid succession. 

Only about 2.5% of people are multitasking successfully.  

Multitasking is Distracting 

Multitasking In Eastern MedicineIt’s difficult to focus on two things at once. When you multitask you have to refocus on a task, distracting yourself from what you were doing before. When you’re constantly training your brain to work this way, you can find yourself more and more distracted and imbalanced even when you’re not multitasking. This is the opposite of being productive, and as a result, you may forget important information.

Multitasking Can Slow You Down 

Multitasking does not get things done faster but the opposite is true, especially when those tasks are complicated and require active attention. Multitasking often means working slower and less effectively. Moving from one task to another requires more mental attention, leaving you feeling mentally exhausted and slowing down your productivity. Your brain needs to focus on one task at a time without moving back and forth from task to task. 

Multitasking Leads to More Stress 

Stress In Eastern MedicineFeeling like your brain has a million tabs open will leave you stressed out. Trying to focus on multiple things at once puts added pressure on the brain because your brain is designed for singular focus. When you are trying to complete multiple tasks, the brain takes more time to complete things. This usually means you end up leaving several tasks half-done and don’t get the satisfaction of the dopamine that comes with finishing. Trying to juggle half-finished tasks is stressful. Completing one task at a time leaves you feeling satisfied. It’s science.

Multitasking Can Even Lower IQ

Researchers have found that high multitaskers had less brain density in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region that is responsible for empathy and cognitive and emotional control. This essentially means that multitasking can lower your brain function and affect how you behave mentally and socially. 

How can you stop the cycle of multi tasking? 

Boost Your Productivity With Improved Brain Function

In Chinese medicine, the kidney system is related to brain function, so many of the herbs used to improve concentration are also kidney tonics. Walnuts are known to nourish kidney qi and to develop the brain.


Coronavirus, Immunity, and Traditional Chinese Medicine - ReishiReishi mushrooms are a powerful adaptogen and have been prized for thousands of years throughout Asia for their ability to bring calm and help concentration. Ginseng is said to improve cognitive function and abilities. Gotu Kola/Brahmi supports brain power.  

Candle Meditation

Focus is on the flame that is ever changing. It’s easier to focus the mind and the attention, disregard the “monkey mind,” to experience five minutes of inner calm.

Grounding Foods

Root vegetables, such as carrots, beets, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, fennel bulb, and parsnips contain the grounding quality of the earth element that can balance the body and the mind

Take Time to Eat

Digestion is important for all the organs and especially the Spleen and Kidney. If you are multitasking while eating, the body does not get to focus fully on digestion. Take breaks to eat and when you are eating, limit your focus to chewing and enjoyment of the nourishment!

Acupuncture helps boost brain function

Acupuncture can helps to improve focus. Learn from one of many studies about how Acupuncture helps improve ADHD.

Limit screens

With so many electronic devices at our disposal, screens are a huge cause of distraction. While screens are a normal part of our everyday lives, finding ways to limit screens can keep you from multitasking and help you focus on the task at hand. Try leaving your phone in the other room or only checking emails during certain points in the day.

Keep a List 

Multitasking In Eastern MedicineCreate a prioritized list of daily responsibilities. This can help you stay focused on what’s most important. Instead of racing around trying to accomplish as many things as you can, stick to what is most important. You’ll feel more accomplished and productive and you’ll likely get more done than if you were multitasking. Consider the 4 square method or a list App.

Tackle One Task At a Time

Intentionally focusing on the task at hand can help you be more productive and benefit your health and wellbeing in many ways. Here are a few tips to help you stop the multitasking cycle. 

Set a Timer

Setting a timer is a great way to help you stay focused on one task at a time. If you know you only have 20 minutes to clean the kitchen, you’ll stay focused on completing the task, rather than taking a break to check Instagram or leave the room when you remember it’s time to switch over the laundry. Consider the Pomodoro method.

Schedule in Breaks 

Your brain needs a break! Instead of letting yourself get distracted or giving in to the temptation to scroll, intentionally set aside time when you plan to take a break and relax. Allowing yourself this time gives you the freedom to focus when it’s time to focus, knowing you’ll have a chance to chill when you’re done. 

Try these simple tips, and you’ll be amazed how much better you feel and even better clear the clutter and accomplish more each day!

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