
What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine

What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine
January 15, 2023 Jackie Gomez


According To Eastern Medicine

What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine

Eastern medicine holds that our total health and happiness can be seen in the eyes. It says that we can see the quality of a person’s “shen” through their eyes, which loosely translates to spirit. Think of it like visiting your mother and instantly knowing something is wrong with her by the look in her eyes.

Eastern medicine practitioners look at a patient’s eyes often, as it offers a perspective to their overall health. Not only do the eyes offer insight into the condition of physical bodily systems, but also emotional and mental states. For example a practitioner would say bright and clear eyes indicate open shen (spirit) and strong vitality. Dull eyes indicate imbalanced shen such as emotional imbalance, or slow, dull thinking. Here is a summary of how Eastern medicine views the eyes, what a practitioner would check for when they examined you, typical problems, and suggestions to address each

A practitioner views the color of the eyes, the size and shape of the pupils, and the general clarity of vision in evaluation. They look for indications of imbalance or stagnation in the area around the eyes, particularly the eyelids and brows. They would also discuss any concomitant symptoms, including headaches, vertigo, or impaired vision, as these can offer additional details about the underlying imbalances.

Common Eye Problems and Suggestions

Red or Bloodshot Eyes

Eastern Medicine and the EyesRed or bloodshot eyes are a frequent problem that may be brought on by allergies, infections, or dryness, among other things. According to Eastern medicine, red eyes are frequently a sign of liver or blood imbalances, too much body heat, or both. A practitioner may suggest herbs like Chrysanthemum or Ginkgo to treat this condition because they can assist to calm the body and lessen inflammation. In order to increase circulation and reduce inflammation, acupuncture or acupressure may also be beneficial on points like the Liver 3 or Pericardium 6 points. Additionally, cooling foods would be added to the diet.

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is a frequent problem that may be brought on by aging, eye strain, or underlying medical disorders. According to Eastern medicine, visual problems are frequently linked to shortages in Qi and blood as well as liver or spleen abnormalities. A practitioner may suggest herbs like Dang Gui or Gou Qi Zi, which can aid in nourishing the blood and enhancing circulation, to address this problem. In order to increase circulation and ease eye strain, acupuncture or acupressure may also be beneficial on sites like the Spleen 3 or Bladder 67. Blurred eyes can also be contributed to liver blood deficiency so getting proper sleep would be key!

Dry or Itchy Eyes

Eyes and Eastern MedicineDry or itchy eyes are a frequent problem that can be brought on by irritants in the environment or underlying medical disorders and even working at screens. According to Eastern medicine, deficits in the liver or kidneys, as well as too much heat in the body, are frequently linked to dry or itchy eyes. A practitioner may suggest herbs like Rehmannia or Lycium to treat this condition since they can assist to hydrate the liver and kidneys and lessen inflammation. It may also be beneficial to use acupuncture or acupressure on sites like the Liver 2 or Kidney 3 points to increase circulation and reduce inflammation or add goji berries to the diet

Eye Strain

Eye strain is a common problem that can be brought on by using digital gadgets for extended periods of time or by paying careful attention to chores. According to Eastern medicine, liver or spleen shortages, as well as an abundance of heat in the body, are frequently linked to eye strain. A practitioner might suggest herbs like Bai Zi Ren or Long Yan Rou to deal with this problem because they can nourish the liver and spleen and lessen inflammation. Recommendations would include acupressure on certain areas, or incorporating warm foods to boost spleen Qi.

Note: According to Eastern medicine, the liver and blood are directly related to the eyes. Any disturbances in the Qi and blood flow, which the liver is in charge of maintaining, might cause problems with the eyes. Each eye reflects a particular component of our emotional state, and the eyes are very tightly linked to emotions.

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