Tips & Tricks For Healthy, Shiny and Thick Hair

Are you sick of having dull, lifeless hair that never seems to grow? After one too many bad hair days, you may be tempted to try a fancy shampoo or fork over fistfuls of cash for a new-fangled hair treatment that promises to solve all your problems.
But before you do that, give eastern medicine a chance. For centuries, people in Asia have used traditional knowledge to keep their hair healthy, shiny, and thick. Here are some of the best tips, tricks, and techniques from eastern medicine to ward off bad hair days once and for all.
Eastern Medicine Secrets For Healthy Hair
Hair and TCM
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, every part of your body is connected. When it comes to hair, TCM practitioners believe that the condition of your mane is a reflection of your blood’s quality. In TCM, blood’s job is to bring nourishment to every part of the body through pathways called meridians. When your blood is healthy and high quality, your hair will show that.
So if your hair isn’t looking its best, it’s probably because you need to nourish and balance your blood. Stress, diet, and hormones can all wreak havoc on your blood, leaving you with stringy, straw like hair.
Hair and Ayurveda
When it comes to Ayurveda, everyone has a hair type that corresponds to one of the three vital energies: vata, pitta, and kapha. Everybody has all 3 of these energies inside of them, but there is usually one or two that are predominant.
Here are the 3 hair types of Ayurveda and how to spot them:
- Vata hair type: This hair type generally is thin and straight. On bad hair days, your hair will get frizzy and staticy, and you can be prone to split ends and hair loss.
- Pitta hair type: Healthy pitta hair is usually not too thick and not too thin and sometimes has a slight natural wave to it. For people with pitta hair, scalp build up and irritation is a problem.
- Kapha hair type: Those with Kapha hair are blessed with naturally thick, shiny, and sometimes curly hair. But they can also struggle with excess greasiness and dandruff.
Knowing what type of hair you have will help you figure out how to take care of it, according to Ayurveda.
Bad Hair Days Begone! 3 Ways To Get Healthier, Shinier Hair
Skip the Shower
Ok, this might sound counterintuitive or even gross. But most people wash their hair too often, and that can strip your locks of the natural oils and nutrients they hold. This tells your body to make even more oil, making your hair look greasier quicker. It’s a vicious cycle that can only be solved with dry shampoo and self control.
How often you should wash your hair depends on your hair type. For people with thin hair (like a vata hair type), shampooing every other day is fine. But if you have thicker hair, like those with a pitta or kapha hair type, washing once or twice a week is fine.
It can be hard to wash your hair less once you’re in the habit of shampooing every day. But it’s one of the most effective ways to boost your hair health in the long run!
Rub a Dub
You know how when you go to a hairdresser, they usually give you a scalp massage when washing your hair? It helps to instantly dissolve tension and melt away your stress. But that’s not all a scalp massage is good for.
Studies have shown that regular scalp massages can make your hair thicker and healthier in less than 6 months. And all it takes is 4 minutes a day!
In TCM, scalp massages are nothing new when it comes to treating hair loss and thinning. You can use your fingers, but wooden combs are traditionally used in TCM scalp massages to comb through the hair and stimulate the scalp.
According to Ayurvedic practitioners, our scalps have little buttons or points called Marmas. When we press these buttons during a scalp massage, we can help get rid of excess energy or dosha that is throwing us off balance.
Just remember not to comb too hard or scratch at your scalp with your fingernails. You just want to gently massage the scalp to help rejuvenate it and your hair.
Oil Up
If you want to take your scalp massage a step further, try adding some oil. In Ayurveda, hair oil is a popular tool to keep your scalp and hair healthy and vibrant. You can oil your hair 2 or 3 times a week, depending on your hair type. Thicker vata hair can handle more oiling, while thinner kapha hair needs it less frequently. Pitta hair lies somewhere in the middle of these two.
There are lots of different hair oils out there that you can use for this, but make sure to find an oil that works with your hair type. One study found that coconut oil was better than sunflower and mineral oil for keeping your hair full of nutrients. And if you struggle with hair loss, research suggests that peppermint oil could be the solution to your problems. Its strong tingle will stimulate your scalp as much as minoxidil, without the side effects.
Try to oil your hair at least 20 minutes before you hop in the shower. But for bet results, leave the oil in as long as possible. You can even massage it in before bed and wash your hair the next morning. You’ll end up with silky smooth, hydrated locks.
Or Use Herbal Rinses
You can make a strong decoction of the Chinese herb He shou wu and pour it over your hair just before leaving the shower. Or, use rosemary as a stay-in hair rinse. The ayurvedic herbs amla, brahmi and shitakaki also make a great hair rinse that is believed to increase hair growth and thickness.
If you’re sick of bad hair days, try these simple tips from eastern medicine to grow your hair longer, stronger, and thicker. Give it a couple of weeks and you’ll see major results–all without having to restock your shower shelf. Healthy hair is in your future!
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