
186 results for skin

  • Why Multitasking Is Bad From You From an Eastern Medicine Perspective

    Put The Kibosh on Multitasking STAT

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    You may think reading your emails while listening to a podcast and cooking breakfast is the ultimate way to be productive, but it actually has the opposite effect. From an eastern medicine perspective, multitasking is thought to injure the mind and body. If you’re suffering from fatigue, burnout, and mental exhaustion, multitasking may be the reason.

  • What Your Skin Says About You From An Eastern Medicine Perspective

    What Your Skin Says About You from an Eastern Medicine Perspective

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    The skin is the surface layer between your inner and outside world, and when issues begin to arise in your skin, this can actually be a sign of something occurring on a deeper level.
    The skin is actually the largest organ in your body (who thought that was an organ? Be honest!), and when something is going on internally, it is often the first place to show it. Eastern medicine takes a unique approach to skin health by addressing things from the inside out.

  • Hair, Skin & Nail Formulas

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  • The Gut Skin Connection in Eastern Medicine

    Your Gut & The Beauty Standard: The Link Between Your Gut & Your Skin

    in Beauty, General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Usually when we try to make ourselves more beautiful–whatever that means to you–it has to do with the “outside” of yourself. Putting on a face mask, applying SPF every day, or using a Vitamin C serum are all external things you do to make yourself more beautiful and healthy-looking. But what if we told you that real beauty came from the inside? That’s right, your gut can help you get that “glow from within” look that everybody’s dying for. Here’s the 411.

  • Chinese Beauty Foods For Your Face

    Put That Where? Foods You Wouldn’t Think To Put On Your Skin, But Should!

    in Beauty, General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Oh, the battle to reclaim the youthful vibrancy of your skin that time has stolen. However, what if the answer to smooth skin wasn’t the latest product on store shelves –  but rather the ancient wisdom that has led thousands to unlock the keys to youth in unexpected ways? For thousands of years, men and women have discovered the secret weapon for fighting aging through the mysteriously practical art of Eastern medicine.

  • Eastern Medicine Skincare Tips

    Get Flawless Skin with Eastern Medicine

    in Beauty, TCM / / 0 comments

    We’re breaking down everything you need to know about Eastern Medicine in skincare. From topical treatments to diet and lifestyle changes, here’s everything you need to know about getting flawless skin the TCM way.

  • Herbal Face Scrubs

    7 Herbal Face Scrubs for Better Skin

    in Beauty, General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Yeah, beauty is pain, but it’s not supposed to feel like rubbing sandpaper on your face. If you tried that new skin scrub expecting a rejuvenating facial but ended up with raw, red, and worse looking skin than what you started with, we feel your pain. With the hundreds of exfoliating options out there, though, how are we supposed to know which ones are actually going to fix our skin? 

  • Mung Beans

    Mung Beans & Pearl Beads – the Secret to Glowing Skin?

    in Uncategorized / / 0 comments

    Do you know the two B’s of edible beauty? Mung beans and pearl beads. Yea, we know, doesn’t sound sexy, but they’re actually some of the best-kept beauty secrets for boosting collagen, internal glow, and youthfulness. 

  • Sesame Seeds

    Why You’ll Actually Want to Eat Soybeans, Sesame Seeds, and Pig’s Feet (Hint: Your Skin Will Thank You)

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    Face masks, cleansers, and other topical treatments are great for beautifying the skin, but when it comes to achieving that glow, nothing can beat a nutrient-packed diet.

  • Stressed Woman

    Stress – Yin = Dry Skin

    in Beauty / / 0 comments

    Skin still dry no matter how much moisturizer you put on? You might want to set those skin products aside, though, because the root of your issue might lie far beneath the surface. 

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