
93 results for women

  • Women’s Health Formulas

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  • Find Your Women’s Issue Formula

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  • Eastern Medicine For Women In Their 30's

    Eastern Medicine Tips For Women In Their 30’s

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    In ancient Chinese text, Huang Di Nei Jing says that a woman’s Qi, your vital energy, moves in seven-year cycles. By the age of seven, a young girl’s Qi is overflowing – manifesting itself through the growth of hair and permanent teeth. At fourteen, the life-force of Qi causes the onset of puberty (we don’t have to explain THAT!) and through her furtive 20’s, a woman’s body flourishes. But when a woman reaches about age 35, her Qi reaches its summit.

  • Fu Zi Therapy in TCM Gynecology: Addressing Infertility and Menstrual Irregularities

    Fu Zi Therapy in TCM Gynecology: Addressing Infertility and Menstrual Irregularities

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Fu Zi, or Aconite, is a potent herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a long history of therapeutic applications. Despite its toxic nature in raw form, when processed properly, Fu Zi becomes a valuable tool in TCM pharmacopeia. Its warming properties make it particularly useful in addressing conditions related to diagnosis of Qi and Blood stagnation, as well as Cold-Damp pathologies.

  • Extraordinary Vessels

    Exploring the Role of the Extraordinary Vessels in TCM: Functions and Therapeutic Applications

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    The extraordinary vessels, or “Qi Jing Ba Mai” (奇经八脉), hold a unique and vital position in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Unlike the primary meridians, these vessels do not pertain directly to any single organ system but serve as reservoirs of Qi and blood, influencing the body’s overall balance and homeostasis. They regulate, integrate, and link the primary meridians, providing a deeper level of treatment for complex and chronic conditions. This discussion delves into the specific functions and therapeutic applications of the extraordinary vessels, offering insights for advanced TCM practitioners.

  • TCM For Female Issues

    TCM For Female Related Issues

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    TCM has an in-depth grasp of women’s health and offers holistic and all-natural methods to support them through all life phases. TCM recognizes the particular difficulties women confront throughout menstruation, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause and offers herbal treatments, acupuncture, and lifestyle suggestions to support hormonal balance, general well-being, and vitality.

  • TCM Teas For Excessive Heat

    TCM Teas for Excessive Heat

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of excess heat plays a significant role in understanding imbalances within the body and the environment. Excess heat can arise from various factors, including the seasons, weather conditions, indoor environments, hormonal imbalances, stagnation, diet and illnesses. By recognizing these influences and their effects on the body, TCM provides a comprehensive approach to restoring balance and promoting well-being. In this blog, we explore how excess heat is perceived in TCM, its diverse origins, and the traditional Chinese teas that can help address each type of excess heat.

  • Infertility and TCM

    Infertility Treatments With TCM

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    If you’ve been struggling with infertility, you’re not alone. In fact, infertility is a common issue affecting around 15% of couples trying to conceive during their reproductive years. If Western medicine tactics haven’t helped, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may have a solution for you. Let’s dive into how TCM can assist with infertility issues. 

  • Signs Your Body and Mind Need a Break From a TCM Perspective

    Signs Your Body and Mind Need A Break

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    We all deserve a break once in a while, but sometimes we wait too long. Ignoring the signs from your body that it’s time for a break won’t do you any good. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, everything in the body is connected, and your body will give you clues when it’s time to rest. Let’s look at some signs you may need to take a break according to Chinese medicine.

  • How To Stay Balanced While Working Remotely

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    Qigong is a modality that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The goal of this practice is to harmonize the energy within the mind, body and spirit. While qigong was developed almost 4,000 years ago, it can still change your life today. Combining the elements and practicing qigong daily can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Let’s get into it. 

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