Jackie Gomez
Eastern Medicine Tips For Summer
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreAs the warmth of summer embraces us, Eastern medicine offers valuable insights and practices to optimize our health and well-being during this vibrant season. In Eastern medicine, each season is believed to affect our body’s channels and meridians, influencing our overall vitality. This blog will provide you with a background on how Eastern medicine views the summer season, explore the impact on our energetic pathways, and offer several detailed tips to support your health and wellness using Eastern medicine principles.
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Jackie Gomez
Top 10 Most Common Herbal Formulas in Traditional Chinese Medicine
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreThere are thousands of formulas commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Why is that? Well, practitioners of Eastern Medicine, don’t have a one-size-fits-all solution for conditions, rather they prescribe formulas based on each individual person’s underlying imbalance. With that being said, there are a few formulas that are a key tool for most TCM practitioners:
Jackie Gomez
Unveiling Alternative Pharma: The Rise Of Alternative Drugs
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreA new trend in the healthcare sector has recently attracted the interest of both patients and professionals. The term “alternative pharmaceuticals,” or “alt pharma,” refers to a wide range of non-traditional medical treatments and therapies that are becoming more and more popular among people looking for alternatives to conventional medications. Now, it’s important to note that non-traditional refers to not traditionally available in America. In all actuality, what we are calling alt pharma is, ironically enough, traditional medicine. It is the medicine that has been used throughout Asia, Africa and other indigenous areas since the beginning of time.
Jackie Gomez
Understanding the Basics of TCM
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreTraditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda have for thousands of years revered brain health. The brain is an important part of the nervous system and one of the largest organs in the body. While nootropics are all the rage now, the ancient medicine systems have long considered “Mind Body” health. In fact, in TCM the brain is considered one of six “Extraordinary Organs.” Western Medicine Medical Schools and research studies are catching on, and are now looking at mind body approaches such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, cognitive skills, lifestyle interventions, and positive psychology. They’re researching how these modalities can prevent or improve stress-related illnesses, ranging from asthma to hypertension, functional bowel diseases and pain syndromes. Needless to say, there is a lot of research and for good reason.
Jackie Gomez
Eastern Medicine and the Brain
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreTraditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda have for thousands of years revered brain health. The brain is an important part of the nervous system and one of the largest organs in the body. While nootropics are all the rage now, the ancient medicine systems have long considered “Mind Body” health. In fact, in TCM the brain is considered one of six “Extraordinary Organs.” Western Medicine Medical Schools and research studies are catching on, and are now looking at mind body approaches such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, cognitive skills, lifestyle interventions, and positive psychology. They’re researching how these modalities can prevent or improve stress-related illnesses, ranging from asthma to hypertension, functional bowel diseases and pain syndromes. Needless to say, there is a lot of research and for good reason.
Jackie Gomez
Unveiling the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Introduction
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic healing system that dates back thousands of years and has its roots in ancient China. Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on treating specific symptoms or diseases, TCM views the body as an interconnected whole, where balance and harmony are essential for overall health. This comprehensive approach involves various modalities, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet therapy, and mind-body practices, all working together to promote well-being and prevent illness. In this blog, we will provide a brief overview of TCM, followed by an exploration of the top 10 most common herbal formulas used in TCM. Each formula will be outlined with its ingredients, administration, common uses, and the wisdom behind its effectiveness.
Jackie Gomez
Ways to Incorporate Helpful Eastern Medicine Herbs Into Your Cooking
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreEastern medicine holds that our total health and happiness can be seen in the eyes. We can see the quality of a person’s “shen” through their eyes, which loosely translates to spirit. Think of it like instantly knowing someone feels unwell by the look in their eyes.
Jackie Gomez
What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine
in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 commentsRead moreEastern medicine holds that our total health and happiness can be seen in the eyes. We can see the quality of a person’s “shen” through their eyes, which loosely translates to spirit. Think of it like instantly knowing someone feels unwell by the look in their eyes.