
Author archive for welleum

  • Chinese Superfoods To Boost Libido - Flower

    7 Chinese Superfoods to Boost Your Libido  

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Things like stress, depression, prescription drugs, chronic illness, and not getting enough sleep can all lower your libido. It’s something people have been struggling with for centuries, so don’t feel bad if your sex drive is low, too. And luckily, TCM has a long history of finding cures and aids for boosting the libido.

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  • Qi Stagnation in TCM - hands blocking

    Qi Stagnation 101

    in TCM / / 0 comments

    When your Qi becomes blocked or slows down, we call this Qi stagnation. This can cause slow blood flow, leading to lots of health issues. In TCM, most imbalances in the body and mind are related to stagnant Qi in one way or another. Figure out which might be your problem and how to remedy it.

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  • Sleeplessness and Insomnia in Eastern Medicine

    What Kind Of Insomnia You Have, According to Eastern Medicine

    in Condition Related, General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Eastern medicine thinks about insomnia pretty differently than western medicine does. In the West, we lump everyone who can’t sleep together, calling them insomniacs. But in Eastern medicine, your categorized based of of what’s causing you to be unable to sleep. The two main groups are sleeplessness caused by too much of something (Qi, Heat, Phlegm, Yang, etc.) which may harass the Heart, and sleeplessness caused by too little of something. Here, we break down a few of the different types of insomnia that TCM recognizes.

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  • Eastern Medicine Fruits and Vegetables - Rambutan

    8 Eastern Fruits and Veggies You’ve Never Heard Of

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Do you ever go to the farmer’s market or grocery store and see something in the produce aisle that looks like it came from an alien planet? Well, one of those far out fruits and veggies just might be on this list. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite Asian fruits and vegetables that you’ve probably never heard of. They’re nutritious, delicious, and can even pack a healing punch.

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  • Herbs for Spleen

    Spleen Health 101: The Best Herbs For A Healthy Spleen

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Pop quiz–do you know what your Spleen is and what it does? If you said that it was a moon shaped organ that filters your blood, you’d be right. It also works as part of your immune system, hunting down and fighting off bacteria and germs that could get you sick. But if you said that the Spleen was way more than just an organ that filters blood and kills germs, you’d also be right! In Eastern medicine, the Spleen does so much more than digest your food and maintain your immunity.

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  • Blood Building & Nourishment 101

    Blood Building 101: The Complete Guide to Nourishing Your Blood

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Known as Xue in Chinese, blood flows throughout the body bringing warmth and nourishment. In this sense, blood is a kind of Qi. In TCM, blood is responsible for good circulation. If your blood is undernourished or not circulating well, you might notice you can’t sleep very well or you’re feeling anxious. Here’s how you can naturally nourish or build your blood to operate at your peak performance!

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  • Using Eastern Medicine For a Happy & Healthy Life

    Baby Steps to a Better You in 2021

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    By making small, sustainable changes you can get to a happier and healthier you. Sure, you can try to make big, sweeping resolutions, but if you’re like us and your new year’s resolutions usually end up forgotten and abandoned by mid-February, try out these baby steps to a better you. They’re small changes you can make throughout the year that will hopefully bring you mental clarity, physical strength, and the emotional peace to make it through whatever 2021 has to throw at us.

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  • Turmeric - Immune Boosting Herbs

    Eastern vs Western Perspective: Do Herbs Actually Boost Your Immunity?

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    While both Eastern and Western medicine utilize herbs, they have a slightly different approach and philosophy behind them. Immune-boosting herbs have an exceptional role in fighting off sickness, preventing illness in the first place, and creating an overall sense of well-being, but how do herbs actually boost your immune system? Do they work as well as what TCM suggests? What herbs should you stockpile or run from? Learn more…

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  • Body Aches in Eastern Medicine

    Body Aches? What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Growing older means lots of things, and one of those (unfortunate) things is bodily aches and pains. And you might not always know why you’re sore or hurting in a particular spot– sometimes, aches just pop up. But with the body, everything has a reason. Aches and tenderness are your body’s way of telling you that something is up. So when you notice you’re in some pain, make sure to listen, because these are 6 things your body aches are telling you

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  • Ayurveda Sleep Remedies

    Struggling With Sleep? Try These 5 Ayurvedic Tips For Better Rest

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    When was the last time you got a good night’s rest? If you can’t quite remember, you’re not alone in your sleeplessness. If your philosophy is that you’ll “sleep when you’re dead,” you might want to rethink your philosophy. When we don’t get enough sleep, it can affect our skin, weight, heart health, and mental health. Getting enough hours of good sleep is key to staying happy and healthy. So whether your quality or quantity of sleep is less than ideal, we have a few gems of wisdom from Ayurveda to help you out.

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